Revitalise Life Mastery

Learn for to optimise your inner power, manage your time and energy and lead a balanced life based on your vision of success.

This course gives you the space to think bigger, tap into who you are, what is important to you.

In a world telling you what you should be, learn how to succeed by being you.

Course description

Revitalise Life Mastery is a powerful, step-by-step transformational program that will help you redesign your life, based on what is important to you and your purpose.

A life in which you are calm and composed in every situation, and in which you are the leader of your own life.

Key takeaways

Get the most out of the course with these actionable insights.

Learn how to unlock your time & energy, and let go of anything holding you back.

Understand what work/life balance means to you and how to have it..

Create a blue print for your ideal life, and learn how to make it a reality.

Establish a mission, a purpose and lead your life.

Course content

Transform Your Life with This Comprehensive Course: 8 Modules, 16 Videos, Weekly Exercises, and a Habits Roadmap.

Re-cap of Revitalise Self Mastery


Introduction & course overview

Reflect (Advanced)

Section 1: Your Vision & Goals.

Section 2: Planning & Tactics.

Recharge (Advanced)

Section 1: Challengers & Enablers. Achieving success.

Section 2: Power of the mind. Neuroplasticity. Law of Attraction & Manifesting.

Section 3: Time & Energy management.


Section 1: Money Mindset.

Section 2: Relationships & Communication.

Section 3: Forgiveness & Letting go.

Who can benefit from this course?

Women who have completed Revitalise Self Mastery and want more!.

Women in leadership positions who want to understand themselves and others better.

Any woman who wants to be in the driving seat of her life, to build a life of balance, fulfillment and purpose.

Pricing structure

Explore our flexible pricing plans to find the one that best suits your budget and learning needs.

Who is this for?
Access to course videos and
online resources
Bi-Weekly group coaching Monthly 1:1's and
Action plan
Basic package
For the woman who wants flexibility and autonomy. She wants complete control on how she learns.     Everything you need to transform your life, in one place, easily accessible.
Premium package
For the woman who flourishes in a community. You will have a circle of like minded women around you, and access to me.   You will feel supported, encouraged and in turn empowered.
Professional package
For the woman who wants a tailored, bespoke experience. An optimal empowering experience designed specifically for her transformation In this unique program I will be there to hold your hand all the way and guide you. To take account of what your life looks like and how best to get the results you are looking for.